Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Fall Thoughts

I am always very reluctant to let summer go.  It is such an active, carefree, close time for us, in spite of the fact that I am more busy in the summer than during the school year most times. And yet, I do love the fall.  There are so many wonderful things to love about the season, and the only thing not to like about it is that it makes way for winter, my least favorite season. (Even so, over the years there are a few things I've learned to like about winter.)

Painting by Susan Tobin

This Labor Day weekend, we worked on some house projects (pictures when we are finished, I promise!) and started to plan our vacation in October. I couldn't quite convince my crew that South Carolina is our destination ... it looks like we will be heading to the Florida Panhandle. Perhaps this is the real reason that I cannot let summer go.  I'm waiting to celebrate Fall when I come back, relaxed and refreshed for the new school year. I expect our beach to look just like this painting above: empty and quiet, and just for us.

Others will soon see beaches that look like this, because although beaches are often associated with warm weather, truth is that some form the season changes come to almost all beaches.

Source: unknown

Or like this, and they will be celebrated precisely because it is Fall and that is when these areas are at their peak.  Can't you feel the crisp wind whipping around you?


September seems like the time to let summer fade out.  It's okay to keep swimming and playing with the kids in the yard on warm summer evenings, but it's also okay to do some fall decorating, make a few fall soups, bake some fall cookies, and allow the shortening of the days to expand the evenings to include quiet moments gathered in the family room.  These are my fall thoughts today ...


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